Buying a car can be quite an expensive endeavor, especially if you want it to last. Car maintenance and repairs can really start to add up when you don’t have the right plan in place to handle them, so knowing how to choose the best plan for your car is key if you want to keep your costs low. Here are three steps you can take to help you find the best plan for your car so that you’re ready when that unexpected repair comes up.
Things To Consider When Purchasing A New Plan
Most insurance companies offer a variety of plans and may not explain what each plan offers. Before purchasing a new plan, look over all three plans and ask about deductibles, provider networks, annual out-of-pocket maximums, and coverage amounts. When picking an auto insurance plan that’s right for you, don’t forget to ask these questions:- What are all my options?
- Is there a deductible?
- How much is it going to cost me monthly?
- Are you (the company) always going to be there when I need you?
- Are you willing to negotiate with me if something happens and I have reason to file a claim? Also, consider whether or not your car needs additional protection against damage like comprehensive or collision coverage.
- What is my insurance company’s financial strength rating? This can be found on independent websites such as A.M. Moody's Investor Service, Standard & Poor's Ratings, and Fitch Ratings are the four rating companies. If you are buying an insurance policy from a local agent, ask them to provide proof of their financial strength rating in writing before purchasing any insurance plan from them.
- What is my deductible (the amount of money that will come out of my pocket before insurance kicks in)?
- Is there an annual maximum out-of-pocket expense amount ($1 million is pretty standard)?
- Do I need any other kind of coverage besides liability?
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